All Year Round Happiness with Creative and Amusing Marketing Products

Happy Christmas from the Whitney Woods elves

Well folks this is my last blog for 2013 and I wish you all a very Happy Christmas and New Year.  This year has been a year where once again we have enjoyed helping marketing agencies and private clients get the most out of their marketing, advertising and promotional campaigns.  Once again we have worked with marketing and PR companies, tourism and local council offices, event marketing companies, charities, liquor markeitng companies and so many more sectors; never a dull moment around here – always something new and exciting happening.


Happy Clients make us very happy too

The best part of our job is receiving the many thank you letters and e-mails from satisfied customers; sometimes we even get photographs of our products in situ which are the most rewarding of all. I can write blogs “till the cows come home” but the real “proof is in the pudding”; read our testimonials to see how and why our customers are so very happy.

A Cracker of a Year – Here’s to another one……

We will be back in the New Year with more blogs and more interesting news and advice for successful direct mail campaigns and advertising promotions using unusual and entertaining formats. Whether you like the idea of a pop up product to grab immediate attention or an interactive and playful marketing item our team are always on hand to offer advice and ideas.


Don’t forget……


Free samples can be ordered for your perusal by clicking here

You can chat to our Account Managers on-line too when you visit the websites