New Year – New You – New Direct Mail Ideas

Pop up mailers and Interactive Products - New Year Direct Mail Ideas you Need

So it’s another New Year and an ideal time for re-thinking and re-vamping your direct mail ideas. I went to my Zumba class last night wearing the correct attire and footwear and my essential bottle of water and it made me think that so many marketers don’t put enough effort into ensuring that they have the correct equipment to do the job.  You need to ask yourselves how you can make an impact and get the right message across – so if you need some tips on direct mail ideas for the New Year pop the kettle on and read on.


Dynamic New Year Promotional Ideas with Energy

Just as we arrived at our Zumba class last night with determination and vigour you need direct mail ideas that will reach your intended target and produce results. Pop up mailers are sent out in your unique customised chunky mailers that will not be ignored and always reach your customers desk; knocking spots off boring flat mail that can end up in the recycle bin without even being read. On opening the pop up direct mail ideas leap free and spring into shape with energy which is always a great surprise and gains maximum focus to your marketing message. With lots of shapes to choose and options of having pen holes and printed calendars there is one perfect for your New Year marketing campaign. Maybe you like the quirky Pop up Ball or one of my favourites the prestigious Pop up Pyramid?


Interaction – Key to Grabbing Attention

Just as with  Zumba routines the more you do them the more you remember them your customers will remember your marketing message and company the more they have to interact with your marketing platform. It has been proven time and time again that the more your customer handles a product the more they will retain the information.  I enjoy Zumba rather than the gym because it is different all the time, not tedious and predictable – this is the same with direct mail ideas; keep your customers interested with interactive marketing products and you will win hands down every time.


Need to see samples of direct mail ideas? Simply click here or for prices click here

For more information, photos and videos see popupmailers