Winning and Clever Direct Mail Ideas for Increased Response Rates

Winning and Clever Direct Mail Ideas - Pop up Balls

Wimbledon Tournament 2013 has been thrilling and has kept audience attention.  For winning direct mail ideas you can adopt the same principles and add thrills and great performance for increased attention and increases response rates. Want to know how you can make a champion direct mail piece?  Pop on the kettle and read about my favourite products:


Great service with a Pop up Ball

There will be no backspin with a Pop up Ball for your next direct mail campaign.  It will have a great advantage over boring flat mail as it leaps from your customised mailer when least expected; springing into shape with gusto and surprise.  This winning and clever direct mail idea grabs immediate attention, creates a talking point with colleagues and co-workers and is kept for a long time too due to its novelty value.  Adding pen holes to your Pop up Ball is a great idea too and doubles your chances of increased response rates.


Game Set and Match Extender Card

Interaction is a key for winning and clever direct mail ideas and with a customised Extender Card you have the perfect serve for incr4eases response rates. Taking the product from your customised mailing wrap your customers and prospects will pull a card at one end and it just keeps coming. Yes that’s right it almost triples in size.  This gives you great potential for print area and is ideal for direct mail messages about growth or extension of product ranges or services etc.


Pop up Phone Holder – Netting your Customers Interest

Relatively new to the pop up mailer game is the Pop up Phone Holder; this is a delightful and wining clever direct mail idea and is already becoming a top seed with our clients.  Sometimes referred to as a 3-in-1 pop up since not only does this product hold your customers cell and mobile phones but there are two pen holes and the option of a small calendar affixing as well.  Desk-top novelties are fabulous for increased response rates and as John McEnroe would say your customers “will not believe it” and will be impressed with their desk-top gift.

More information, photos and videos are available at popupmailers