Unusual Marketing Ideas Attract Attention and Increase Sales

The Face of Unusual Marketing Ideas - Face Masks

Today I thought I would tell you about novel and unusual marketing ideas that grab attention, add a touch of entertainment and ultimately increase sales.  Marketing need not be boring – in fact it shouldn’t be; so take a look at these few ideas to get your creative juices flowing and inspire you:


Face Mask Fun – Anytime, Any Place, Anywhere

Promotional Face Masks are most unusual marketing ideas and can be made in many shapes and sizes.  They are supplied with a good length of white elastic to ensure a comfortable fit and are custom-made to your design.  Increasing sales is often due to adding novelty value; creating brand recognition and a talking point and the Face Masks tick all these boxes. It is up to you whether you have a photograph, a cartoon character, an animal or your company mascot featured n your Face Masks and our design team here are on hand to guide you every step of the way.


Door Hangers – Not Just for “Do Not Disturb”

Whilst we are all familiar with the “Do not Disturb” and “Please Clean my Room” door hangers in hotels they are increasingly popular as unusual marketing ideas for other scenarios too. Since we can die-cut your customised door hanger to any shape or size that you want the Door Hangers offer quite a bit of flexibility and our clients have come up with some attention-grabbing shapes and have reported huge success.  Open the door to increase sales with promotional and unusual Door Hangers.


Pop up Phone Holder – Connection at its Best

How about a Pop up Phone Holder for your next marketing campaign? Popping out of your customised mailing wrap the Pop up Phone Holder is a delight to receive.  Sitting proudly on desks and work-stations your unusual marketing ideas attract great attention from co-workers and visitors too which can increase sales greatly.


For more ideas and information see popupmailers