Unique Advertising Ideas for your Marketing Strategy

Flicker Cards - Unique Advertising Ideas that Work!

Add unique advertising ideas to your marketing strategy and you ensure that your customers open your direct mail, read it and most importantly respond to it.  Creative and surprising direct mail products are a boost for your marketing plans – they capture attention immediately upon receipt and they amuse and entertain.


Distinctive and Unique Advertising Ideas – Flicker Cards

The Flicker Cards are unique advertising ideas that are a top class addition to any marketing strategy. They are very interactive and entertaining and make ideal direct mail marketing products, trade show give-aways and mini brochures.  The inner sections flick through as your customer pulls a tab which is very absorbing and ensures that your message is read and digested too. Use this design for your next promotion and you will soon be reaping rewards and increasing response rates.  Choosing from a variety of sizes with or without a mailing wrap we have the perfect platform for your custom printed promotional items.


Pop up Diamond – A Gem of a Product

All the pop up mailers are sent to your customer in a chunky and tempting mailing wrap and once opened erupt into life and start working for you.  The surprise and intrigue captured immediately on opening continues as your customer shares the product and the experience again with co-workers and colleagues. These amusing and unique advertising ideas do not come any “posher” than the Pop up Diamond, a very impressive and eye-catching shape with a prestigious feel to it too. You can even have a metallic loop attached to your Pop up Diamond so that it can be hung up too; this is very popular for Christmas greetings. 


Sideshooter – Surprising and Attention-grabbing

The Sideshooter is a product that almost triples in size when least expected. As your customer takes it from the mailer two arms shoot out from the main body simultaneously!  There is a large amount of print area and you can have lots of fun with your graphic design for this product. For Open Read and Respond this is a top product every time.


For more ideas, photos and demo videos see whitneywoods