Spring Clean your Marketing Campaigns with Pop up Mailers

Pop up House - Polish up your Marketing Campaigns

It’s 1st March today so it’s time to think about dusting off your marketing ideas and polishing up your campaigns.   If you have read my blog before you will know all about pop up mailers but since spring is the time to refresh I am chatting again today about their key features and how they can perform for you.


Pop up mailers – Presentation First

Presentation is everything which is why your customised pop up mailers are sent out to your prospects and customers in chunky mailers that attract attention immediately.  Whichever pop up mailer shape you choose your marketing campaigns will benefit from chunky packaging since they always rise to the top of the mail stack.  Looking like a “gift” rather than “junk mail” they instigate curiosity and always reach your intended target audience.


Add Desk-top features to your Pop up Mailers

Whilst all the pop up mailers are attractive and efficient on their own you can add extra “keepability” by adding pen holes and/or printed calendars.  Some of the pop up shapes lend themselves to the addition of a coin slot too.  Polished marketing campaigns with desk-top pop up mailers generate extra interest are a constant reminder of your company.  We have just today received a thank you from a client who used the Pop up House with pen holes for a direct mail project and they are amazed by the response.


Five Good Reasons why you need Pop up Mailers

A chunky pack grabs attention

Almost 100% open rates

Creates instant positive impact

Very high response rates

Leaves a lasting impression

I don’t need to say anymore! You have a dedicated Account Manager to assist you from idea through to fruition so don’t delay – spring clean your marketing today!


Free samples can be ordered by clicking here and prices can be with you today by clicking here

For more inspiring ideas and direct mailer information see popupmailers