Sophisticated Promotional Product Perfect for Professional Event Marketing

A product’s inclusion in The Events Emporium is dependent on a number of factors. One is the product’s proven track record as a successful performer in the field of events marketing. Another is the product’s appeal and different products appeal in different ways to different people. A Jumpinjax is a fun product that has proved popular for upbeat events such as corporate parties. Pop-up cubes have a similar appeal and are more often than not used in promotions for upbeat events. A starburst, on the other hand, has a more subtle movement and has been used in conjunction with rather classy events such as the BAFTA awards for example. However, one product, more than any other, seems to appeal to management level and that is the Push’n’Pull product.

The Push’n’Pull is an interactive product with a sophisticated movement created by an internal conveyor belt. The movement is a reciprocal action – pull a card from the bottom of the product and another card appears at the opposite end; push your card back in and the other one disappears. The product has proved extremely popular as a management level B2B piece and is perfect as an invitation to an event, exhibition, conference or seminar. It can be produced as size A6, DL and A5 and as a single sleeve or with an extra page.

The Push’n’Pull product can be adapted to act as a CD or DVD presenter / carrier which could come in handy at a trade show. There are other slight modifications that could possibly be made to enhance the invitation but if we were going to suggest anything it would be to create a mailing pack to improve the B2B Direct Marketing aspect.

Push'n'Pull Events Marketing Product