Promotional Pop Up Calendars and Pen Holders – Great Ideas for Direct Mail

Pop Up Calendars and Pen Pots – Mailers That Get Your Company Noticed

Everybody knows how many pieces of direct mail turn up on our desks on a daily basis, and everybody also knows where most of these end up…filed in the waste paper bin without a second thought! So when it comes to your turn to send out a piece of promotional direct mail, you don’t want yours to end up the same way. Here is a fantastic suggestion of how to prevent this!

When it comes to b2b direct mail, the ideal solution is to send a promotional mailer with a secondary function. This way your customer won’t just open, read and throw away your information. Instead they will choose to keep it right in front of them on their desk so they will look at it day in, day out, with your company logo plastered all over it.

Great examples of such products are our pen pots and desktop calendars! With promotional products like these there is the obvious everyday use which will make your customer want to keep the product, but there’s also room for you brand it with your company information too. If they choose to keep the product they choose to keep your information, and vice versa – this is what will give your mailing campaign longevity.

So how do you mail these products to your customer without it being too bulky and the postage costs becoming astronomical? The answer is:- pop up mailers.  Pop-up mailers are specially designed to compress down and fold flat, allowing them to be posted out like a regular letter. However once opened by its recipient, the mechanism inside forces the mailer to jump out of its envelope, creating an instant and memorable impact with your customer as it simply pops-up to its original 3-D form right in front of their very eyes.  Please explore our website to see the wide range of popup mailers which are available.  Whatever the reason for your direct mailing campaign the numerous shapes and sizes we offer means we have products to suit a wide range of applications.

Promotional Pen Pot and Calendar