Promotional Marketing and Shaken not Stirred Pop up Advertising

Cubes for Promotional Marketing and Pop up Advertising

This week sees the launch of Bond Movie 23 titled Skyfall and I am sure that audiences everywhere are looking forward to the action-packed drama.  You can add impact and surprise to your promotional marketing with pop up advertising and have your audience aghast by your innovative and dramatic marketing communication. I have chosen just a few to talk about here today:

Shaken AND Stirred – Pop up Cube

Lights Camera Action!  The Popup Cube, a star in its own right is a product that cannot and will not be ignored. As it leaps out form your promotional marketing mailer when least expected this is pop up advertising at its very best. Your customers will be shaken by the surprise and will be stirred into responding; how many sales letters and boring flat flyers have this impact?

Thunderball Jumpinjax

Those of you who have read my blog before will know by now that the Jumpinjax is my favourite of all the pop up advertising products!  It is a quirky little “happy chappie” with the key feature bring the four small pop up cubes leaping free from the outer tray when opened! Yes that’s right four cubes with a “rat-a-tat-tat” action.  This is another versatile promotional marketing design lending itself to direct mail campaigns, event invitations, trade show promotional marketing and so many more ideas.


Sideshooter – Licence to “Thrill”

The Sideshooter is a promotional marketing pop up product with a difference; in this case as it is removed from your customised mailer two arms shoot out from the main body when least expected. In true 007 style this is very entertaining indeed.  It is a trick that will capture the attention of your customers immediately!


Your mission today should you choose to accept it is to click here for samples of the above products or click here for prices for the above products

For more exciting and thrilling pop up advertising ideas see popupmailers