Pop up promotional products – give your B2B direct mail the ‘x’ factor

Our range of pop-up and interactive marketing products offer unusual and surprise elements, instantly adding impact to any B2B promotional mail campaign.

Take the pop-up cuboid for example.  This interactive product has been produced in a variety of shapes and sizes which mean it can be adapted to suit your particular campaign. The basic format of this interactive product is quite flexible so it allows us to create box shapes to suit each client’s requirements – although it can never be too flat or shallow, as this would prevent the box from achieving that signature bounce. After all there’s no point creating an interactive product that has no action to be interactive with!

Supplied with their own custom-printed mailers Pop-up cuboids are a perfect interactive product for business to business direct marketing campaigns, perfectly capable of grabbing and holding your customer’s attention for long enough for your business to business promotion to begin to work.  You can extend the life of your promotion further by incorporating a calendar in to your design, alternatively you could add pen holes and transform the cuboid in to a penholder.  This way every time your customer reaches for a pen or checks the date they are reminded of your company and your promotion.

Pop up cuboid