You need Pop up Mailers for your Marketing Plan

Pop up Mailers - Generate Better Response

Did you know that direct mail campaigns achieve a better overall response than any of the digital channels? You may be surprised but it is a fact that traditional direct mail marketing still should be a major part of your marketing plan; however these days a flat letter or a boring pamphlet will not cut the grade.  You need Pop up Mailers with energy and impact to do the work for you:


Pop up Cube Pop up Mailer

A Pop up Cube is available in four sizes and leaps from your customised mailer much to the delight of your customers and potential customers. When the mailer arrives in a chunky pack it rises to the top of the pile and is never intercepted by a Receptionist and dismissed as junk mail; it reaches your target audience every time.  As it bounces free it starts working for you immediately; the surprise element guarantees full attention to your message and it also creates a talking point with others hence spreading your advertising potential even further.  A good tip is to add pen holes to the top so that it becomes a desk-top novelty and utilised each and every working day.


Pop up Pyramid – Essential part of Marketing Plan

The Pop up Pyramid is a treasure of a pop up mailer; the unusual and distinctive shape captures attention and keeps it too.  There is plenty of print area for your marketing and advertising communication even if you choose to have pen holes in one face of the product.  Add a Pop up Pyramid to your marketing plan and you tick all the boxes – chunky mail that cannot be ignored – yes Impressive product to grab attention  – yes direct mail that will not end up in the recycling bin and will be kept  – yes.

 Pop up Mailers to Create a Memorable Experience

These are just two examples of a huge range of Popup Mailers – all of which are full of energy with a bold and showy element that simply cannot be ignored. E-mails and e-shots are here today and gone tomorrow; this is not the case with dynamic pop up mailers.


For more ideas, photos and videos see popupmailers