Pop up Direct Mail Products Capture Attention – and Keep it!

Instant Connection with a Pop up Phone Holder

As far as your direct mail campaigns go you know that you need to get your message across and you may be wondering how best to do this.  I believe that you only need to throw one ball to score well; you don’t need to juggle with lots of different formats just use a pop up direct mail piece and you capture attention immediately – and keep it!


Pop up Mobile Phone Holder  

Ring in the changes with a Pop up Mobile Phone Holder and you make a connection instantly.  This product leaps free from your customised mailer and gains maximum focus as soon as received.  The design team here have thought of everything and have added two pen holes as well making it a perfect pop up direct mail piece for your next marketing campaign.  Desk-top and work-station advertising is seen each and every working day which makes this a popular choice every time.


Pop up Pyramid – Unusual Shape and Prestigious  

Here is a favourite of mine; the Pop up Pyramid.  The most unusual shape is very attractive and eye-catching.  Springing into shape as soon as your promotional print mailer is opened is a great surprise for your customers and commands and gets full attention.  Working well as a Pop up Pyramid alone it is kept for a very long time; however if you decide to add pen holes to one face you have a desk-top tool to encourage extra “keepability” time.


Pop up Cube – Not Square Marketing

The Pop up Cube is definitely not square marketing at all; in fact it is a terrific design for your pop up direct mail products.  It is a best-seller and is available in four sizes; two of which lend themselves ideally to having pen holes in the top! You only need ONE good product to convey your marketing message – just “throw” one ball to score every time.


Perfect Pop up Direct Mail Product - Pop up Cube

For more popup direct mail ideas see popupmailers

Samples can be ordered by clicking here and prices can be obtained by clicking here