Pop up Calendars – Marketing Ideas for All Year Round Promotions

Pop up Calendars - All Year Round Success

Just like dogs promotional calendars are not just for Christmas they are ideal marketing ideas for all year round promotions.  In fact they gain more attention when not sent at Christmas since they stand out!  With so many shapes of pop up calendar to choose from and options of having pen holes as well your only problem will be deciding which one to design. I will help you along with some from the best-selling top 20 range:


Pop up Cube – a Good Bet

The dice-shaped Pop up Cubes are terrific marketing ideas in their own right but add a printed calendar and they sit on desks and work-stations for a very long time indeed. Regular readers of my blog will already know that all the pop up products leap free from your promotional mailers which captures maximum attention immediately. This alone is marketing at it very best but by designing your Pop up Cubes as pop up calendars will extend your advertising profile greatly.  Add pen holes too and you easily create a desk-top novelty item that will impress your customers and prospects alike.


Powerful Pop up Calendar with Shape

The Power Pen Pal is a shapely marketing idea that is ideally suited to hosting a printed calendar; having six sides it can also hold lots of stationery items and become a workplace tool your customers will use every working day.  These are marketing ideas that tick all the boxes for a successful promotion; they jump free from your customised mailer with an element of surprise and they are kept for a long time serving as a constant reminder of your company- effective and efficient!


Pop up Ball – Bouncy and Useful

The Pop up Balls are quirky and fun to both design and send and once again have twelve faces – ideal to print one month per face and send as pop up calendars at any time of year.  Should you choose to add pen holes to the top you have two-in-one marketing ideas to “net” your customers and prospects alike.


Pop up Balls - Marketing Ideas that Work

For more marketing ideas see popupmailers

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