A Nice Touch – A New Name in Greeting Cards and Gift Cards – ready for lift-off

It’s now just 3 weeks to go to the big launch. Our new venture into the world of greeting cards and gift cards under the name of A Nice Touch will be released at The Spring Fair at the NEC 1st – 5th February.

 Of course, it’s not only the company name that is new, the products that we release will all be new to the greetings card market, too. The concept of bottle bows grew from our business-to-business range called The Bottle Boutique which is produced purely for in-store promotions. Unlike their promotional equivalent, however, Bottle Bows are gift cards which have been designed with a celebration and a party feel. The shapes have been researched as being an attractive addition to the gift of a bottle of wine whilst also being recognisable as being a greeting.

 Another new idea which is a cross-over from our range of promotional ideas is our Wobbly bits series. Unlike the promotional version which features wobbly heads as the main attraction, we have changed the emphasis for the greetings market and opted for hilarious wobbly bottoms. This idea has been a massive hit when we have sampled the product to consumers; gift and greetings card buyers and to other people within the industry.

 A lot of hard work has gone on behind the scenes in order to have the launch ready for 1st February. Everything has been designed from scratch in the last few months and we are pleased to say that everything including design, print, hand assembly, packing and all component parts has been made in the UK.

 The whole range goes live on our website on the week of the exhibition though a sneak preview is on show now. Click on A Nice Touch to see for yourself.

Bottle Bow