Marketing Ideas you need to Create a Memorable Impact

Marketing Idea for Best Connection with Customers - Pop up Phone Holder

As we enter Spring-time from Winter we all turn our thoughts to the spring-cleaning and refreshing of everything and the same applies to your marketing too.  Spring-clean your marketing ideas and design products that will create a memorable impact and freshen up your sales and response rates. Read on for some refreshing ideas:


Pop up Phone Holders  – Customer Connection at its Best!

Having your company details on our customers’ desk is the best way to encourage brand loyalty and the Pop up Phone Holder is a terrific way to do this.  You create a memorable impact as soon as your desk-top advertising product arrives; it jumps from the mailing wrap when least expected and gains maximum focus.  Once in shape it soon goes to work holding mobile phones and displaying your company details too.  The design team have even added two pen holes to these pop up marketing ideas making them multi-functional too. You can if you so wish also add a small calendar without losing too much print area.


Extender Cards – Marketing Ideas with Extra Oomph

The Extender Cards are popular marketing ideas due to the great print area and interactivity qualities.  To read your marketing message your customers and prospects have to pull the card and it keeps on coming.  Almost tripling in size it creates a memorable impact as soon as opened and your marketing message hits home immediately.  It will be picked up again and again and will not simply be dismissed as “junk”.


Carry and Keep Cards – Perfect Marketing Ideas

The Carry and Keep Card is an A7 product; compact and handy to carry but with lots of print area.  Receiving their Carry and Keep Card will impress your customers and create a memorable impact too.  As your customers open up the sturdy A7 covers and they discover a massive A3 double-sided information section they will be surprised.  These are ideal marketing ideas for product reference and as the name says – they carry and keep your marketing!


For more memorable and efficient marketing ideas see popupmailers

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