Lumpy Mail Ideas to Achieve Excellent dm response rates

telescopic boxWe all know that Lumpy Mail works for Advertising and Marketing Campaigns far better than flat mail and getting it right is easy with exciting and unusual mailers. To ensure your customer receives your news you have to attract them to open it in the first place which is why lumpy mail is proving to be so popular, add to that an exciting and innovative mail piece and you have your customers attention and you can sit back and wait for the phone to ring.

 Vision is a fashionable word at the moment

Words come and go, in and out of fashion all the time but “vision” is a trendy buzz word at the moment. Perhaps this is the reason that the telescopic box is a successful marketing product. Telescope comes from the Greek word “tele” meaning far and “skopein” meaning to see.  The telescopic box is perfect to convey a message of expansion, magnifying, extension, lengthen, broaden, increase – the list of design ideas is endless.   Arriving in the post pile it looks appealing and will be opened straight away, and with essential customer interaction the large print area is revealed in a novel and  interesting way.  Your company and your products are topic of conversation and your job is done!

Dynamic Sideshooter

Another quirky and novel idea along similar lines is the sideshooter.  Lots of scope for unique designs with this product and once again an absolute winner for a lumpy mail idea to get you noticed.  The chunky mail pack is simply inviting your customer to open it and when they do, two arms shoot out and your advertising campaign is in the hands of your customer instantly! This is another talking point for the office! 

Interaction Required and Your Message Delivered!

For an interactive marketing product the Push and Pull is one that your customers can’t put down, they will always show to others which extends your advertising profile.  By simply pulling a tab your message is revealed on two cards and push it back and the message disappears. This design was recently used by a Professional Magician to convey “now you see it – now you don’t” on his promotional publicity.


For more information and demo videos see the website pop-up mailers