Below the Line Direct Mail Marketing Ideas you need….

Circular Starburst - All Round Direct Mail Marketing

…I have just put the phone down from a customer who is elated with the results and response to their recent direct mail marketing campaign.  My customer said that her management team had been unsure whether to use digital media only for this particular campaign but they had been persuaded to use direct mail marketing as well and the response has been phenomenal.   The product they chose was a Circular Starburst and the message they were getting across was “an all round service”.    



Circular Starburst – Opens up with a Flourish

The Starburst products are flamboyant products with the key feature being the unusual and theatrical folds that open up to reveal your full message. The Circular Starburst has round outer covers and is particularly eye-catching due to the novel shape.  There are of course many varieties of Starburst products from credit card sized upwards and you can easily create your perfect Starburst to meet your direct mail marketing requirements.  Below the line advertising with these interactive, entertaining and glamorous products will generate increased response rates – and sales!

Push and Pull – Push up Your promotion and Pull in your Sales

All surveys conducted are in agreement that direct mail marketing products should be interactive in order to engage the reader which is why the Push and Pull is another very popular design for below the line advertising campaigns. To read the full message your customer pulls a card at one side and a card comes out at the other side at the same time; when pushed in both cards retract at the same time too.  This interaction captures the reader’s attention and they undoubtedly will share with others too, hence extending your advertising profile greatly.

Push up Pen Pal 

Staying on the subject of pushing and interactivity the Push Up Pen Pal is a clever direct mail marketing ploy. Everyone needs pen pots so why not use this opportunity for your below the line marketing project?  Remind your customers of your company details every working day with a Push up Pen Pal.  This item is sent flat and your customer erects it in seconds but this is enough engagement to capture full attention – and then it is kept as the product holds office stationery items!

For more ideas for direct mail marketing products see popupmailers