Want to Join Countless others Reaping the Benefits of Print over Digital?

Pop up Lantern - Reap the Benefits of Printed Mail

Yes I know you do and here are some reasons why paper and cardboard engineering direct marketing products work.  The three key essential factors for a successful marketing campaign in my eyes are Open, Read and Respond. Ensuring that your mail is opened, read and responded to is easy with unusual and creative marketing ideas.


OPEN – Chunky Mailing Wraps Work

Getting your mail past the “gate-keeper” or Receptionist is easy with chunky customised mailing wraps.  They are never classed  as “junk” without a second thought since they look interesting and always create a sense of curiosity and are opened immediately. The Pop up Lantern is just one of the pop up mailers sent out in a mailing wrap and bounces free and into shape as soon as the wrap is opened. The Pop up Lantern is particularly popular during the Winter months and is often designed as an alternative festive greeting too.  This cute product shines bright and knocks spots off digital marketing formats.


READ – Interaction is Vital   

So once the mail reaches your target audience the secret is to ensure that your marketing message is actually read by designing your marketing message to be conveyed on interactive mail. The Sideshooter is just one of a huge selection of interactive mail products that never fail to be read due to their novelty value. The Sideshooter almost triples in size as it is taken from the envelope and two arms shoot out from the main body. This is a huge surprise, grabs maximum focus immediately and will also be picked up again and again unlike digital marketing that can be deleted in a second and never seen again.


RESPOND – Increase Response Rates

Increasing response rates is easy with a Pop up Card; all having a central feature to draw your customers’ attention to your marketing message they almost always produce increased response rates. Add a coloured envelope to your Pop up Card to grab attention in the mail tray and you are on track for a successful open, read and respond marketing campaign.


Pop up Card - Cut Out Message

For more marketing ideas see popupmailers

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