Why Innovative and Lumpy Mail Products should be part of your Marketing Strategies

Powerful Pen Pals Grab Attention and Keep it

Direct mail needs to be different from the norm to attract attention, it needs to stand out amongst the other envelopes and boring flat mail otherwise your communication may well end up in the recycling bin before even reaching your target audience. It is a similar to e-mails – how many times do we scan our in box hitting the delete button and only reading the ones where the subject line is eye-catching? Well it is exactly the same with Direct Mail products – you need to make innovative and lumpy mail part of your marketing strategies.

 Pop –up Cuboid – Attitude and Style

The Pop -up Cuboid is a super way to send your lumpy mail marketing message; it is sent in your customised mailer and looks like a product of substance when it arrives in the mail tray.  Because of this it will rise to the top of the pile and be opened immediately; it leaps free from the mailer and springs into action with gusto.  There is plenty of print area and lots of design potential with the Pop –up Cuboids – pen holes and coin slots can be added as extra novelties to your marketing strategies popup mailers too.


Add Power to your Promotion

The Power Pen Pal is another lumpy mail item that is always a winner and should be part of your marketing strategies for 2012.  Jumping from the customised mailing envelope it surprises your customers and creates a talking point too.  Everyone needs a pen pot at their work station so why not ensure that they have one with your company details on?  Remind them each and every working day of your products or services and you can increase your response rates phenomenally.


Ultimate in Prestigious Lumpy Mail

For a regal feel to your marketing strategies how about a Pop-up Castle? There will be a fairy-tale happy ending with this product!  This is another lumpy mail item that draws attention and interest as soon as it arrives. It has a large print area to carry your marketing and advertising message and is a substantial and very entertaining product indeed.


For more ideas, demo videos and photographs see popupmailers