Innovative Direct Mail and Advertising Ideas

Innovative Direct Mail and Advertising Ideas

Just like you don’t make a cup of tea without good quality tea and boiling water, neither should your direct mail products be dull; they should have all the right ingredients – just like a good cuppa too!Chunky mail packets that plough through the post pile and beg to be opened are innovative direct mail and advertising ideas for any marketing communication project.


Pop up Pyramid – Innovative Direct Mail Construction

Your Pop up Pyramid is sent out in your customised chunky mailer, and as soon as opened the product springs into shape in front of them when least expected.  This innovative direct mail piece can even have pen holes in one side adding to the longevity of your advertising ideas.  Also having lots of print area it is the “Earl Grey” pop up that adds prestige and grandeur to your marketing campaigns too.


Power Pen Pal – Pen Pot Potential

The Power Pen Pal is another amazing chunky mail packet to impress and amuse your customers.  This is a pop up product with an extended shelf -life since it holds your customers pens, pencils and office stationery for a very long time indeed; reminding them about your company products and services each and every day.  Innovative direct mail of this calibre is a very effective advertising idea and is always warmly received.  Standing proudly on desks and work-stations it can even have a printed calendar on too.


Attention Grabbing Perfect Chunky Packaging

The first step in all direct mail campaigns is to ensure that your time, effort and marketing budget have not been wasted and that your mail reaches your target audience.  This is easy with chunky mailing wraps; the Pop up Pyramid and the Power Pen Pal are sent in your customised promotional zippalopes.  The presentation alone ensures that they are never dismissed and always reach the recipient; these advertising ideas also instigate curiosity and are opened immediately. Simply tearing the strip makes the pop up products jump out and capture immediate attention.  A perfect brew for your next project.

For samples of the products click here and for prices click here

More inspiration and innovative direct mail marketing ideas can be viewed at popupmailers