Increase Response Rates with Marketing Products that Work

Giving your customers and prospects something physical with a well presented message and an element of surprise is still the best way to grab attention and increase response rates.  Digital marketing has its place but printed promotional marketing products are the most effective and cannot be deleted in a second never to be recalled again. In today’s blog I highlight just a couple of ideas from a large selection of business marketing products:


Add a Pop up Mailer Feature

All the pop up mailers are compressed into chunky mailing wraps and erupt and spring into shape as soon as opened which makes them a wise choice for grabbing attention and increasing response rates phenomenally.  Coming in a huge variety of shapes, sizes and styles pop up mailing marketing products have an element of surprise, are a physical piece that cannot be ignored and create a talking point too.  Some are suitable for designing with pen holes for extra “keepability” or a coin slot and some are ideal to include a printed calendar as part of your bespoke print design.  You can increase response rates and encourage brand loyalty by transforming your pop up products into desk-top novelties for extra novelty value too.


Extending Cards – Creative Marketing Products Work

Printed marketing products that are designed well and feature some form of attention grabbing qualities are definitely not dead and increase response rates too. Interaction is key and if the pop up products are not your “bag” then you will love the interaction of the extending card marketing communication products.  If your customers and prospects have to play with your physical marketing products you create a memorable experience that is not easily forgotten and your message gets across.  The Extender Card is joined by the Push and Pull and the Sideshooter for advertising with extending cards that almost triple in size and entertain the reader.


Want to know more? Chat to us now on-line or order FREE samples at popupmailers