Idea for Christmas Greeting – Try a Pop-up Christmas Ornament

When you consider the requirement for your own Christmas greeting to send to your customers, you will no doubt want to be associated with feelings that are happy. At times like these, when the economic climate is not too hot, it is particularly important that you also try to send out a positive message about your own company. The choice of greeting becomes all-important and sending out a run-of-the-mill greeting card does little in the way of sending a big message. An ordinary Christmas card is quite possibly what you sent last year and the year before that when the economy was better and most businesses had greater confidence in the future.

Christmas decorations and Christmas tree ornaments play a big part in giving the Christmas period a festive and happy quality and these are the sort of feelings that your company Christmas greeting can be associated with by choosing a product like this over a standard greeting card. “All well and good”, you might say, “but how am I going to get a message onto a Christmas tree ornament? How will I send it through the mail without it costing a fortune or getting broke? And won’t my ornament just get hung on the Christmas tree in my customer’s office with all the others that are brought out for an annual airing?”

These are all good and valid questions but there are products in the UK promotions market that give all the right answers. A Christmas decoration or Christmas tree ornament doesn’t have to be made from glass or plastic. It can just as easily be made from board and by using sophisticated cardboard engineering techniques, different automatic pop-up decorations can be custom-made. Your own company graphics and messages can be printed over the whole thing. Now can you see the possibilities opening up?

The fact that these cardboard engineered products can fold flat and they can also be supplied with custom made all-board envelopes makes them a perfect choice for a Christmas mailing. Add to those basic requirements the all-important fact that these products will jump out into your customer’s hands when the pack is opened and you will see how a positive message is easily reinforced. On top of that, products such as these are far more likely to be passed around your customer’s office for others to see than a simple Christmas card would ever be.

But what about the chances of it being hung on your customer’s Christmas tree with all of the other baubles? The answer is to make it too big to go on the tree. Also, make your selection jewel-shaped so that it will have flat edges and flat panels that will enable it to stand on your customer’s desk and might not even need the addition of a hanging device. Also, ask the manufacturer to add a gloss laminated finish to make it more shiny and attractive. It is then much more likely to be displayed in a prominent position in your customer’s office.

We have included four jewel-shaped pop up products in the Christmas decorations section as they all make very attractive Christmas decorations with the addition of a decorative loop of either gold or silver elastic. The pop up snowflake has always proved to be very popular every Christmas season as has the bold figure of the pop-up diamond. The hexapop is new to the range this year and the Johnson 13 was released only last November.

Christmas Pop Up Diamond