Happy Dogs Pop-up cards are perfect for Crufts Exhibitors and other Animal Events

If you are exhibiting at a large event such as Crufts in March 2009 – or any other animal show for that matter – then we have just the product for you.

Happy dogs cards are guaranteed to bring smiles to the faces of animal lovers. A really simple cardboard engineering mechanism creates a dead cute movement which makes the dogs wag their tails to make a highly interactive and satisfying product. It makes an ideal product for a company exhibiting at animal-related shows such as Crufts. As an extra service and to aid efficiency we are also able mail out your event invitation to your own customer and contact database.

The attraction of using pop-up cards in event publicity is that they are interactive, highly infectious and humorous. A product such as this can be adapted so that the tail-wagging action can belong to more or less any animal that has a tail. There are other effects that can be achieved using the same or similar mechanisms and these could easily be adapted to suggest side-to-side movement such as dancing, for example. This would no doubt prove very effective for a number of different types of events but a fun dancing movement would be a good idea as a corporate or Christmas party invitation. The Happy Dogs card was originally developed for a dog food product launch.

Happy Dogs Event Invitation