Give your Customers Carry and Keep Pocket Size Brochures –Novel Marketing Ideas

Small in Size - Big on Impact - Little Big Card

Current trends are to travel light which is why bulk is out and pocket size brochures are definitely trendy. Whatever you need your mini brochures for keeping them interesting with novel marketing ideas will impress your audience and they will carry them and keep them. Choosing a favourite format is hard for me because they all have their own special features; here are some best-selling pocket size brochures you may like.


Unusual Folding Pocket Size Brochures

If you need to something compact and handy for your readers but have a lot to say the Little Big Card may be your chosen design.  The outer covers are hard-wearing and house an inner double-sided printed sheet that fold down rather like a road map.  This may be a small product but it has a big heart and whether you choose the credit card size with an inner of A4 size or the A7 size with an inner of A3 size you are onto a winner here.  The Carry and Keep card is a similar design too coming in an A7 format only.


Foldilocks Card – Concertina Folds and Sturdy Design

The reason I like the Foldilocks Card so much is its versatility; the panels all fold back into the outer cover in a concertina-style which has a locking tab to prevent it opening or getting damaged.  For pocket size brochures this is an ideal format to include money off coupons, loyalty vouchers etc. since the panels are perforated for easy tear-off design.  The Foldilocks is available in A7 and credit card sizes and there is a standard format for the number of panels, however you may want less panels and that is OK too.


Versatile Unfolding Pocket Size Brochures

Starburst – Single or Double – you choose

For a little more flair to your pocket size brochures the starburst folded designs are the ones to choose. Whether you choose the Standard Mini Starburst or the Double Starburst you can have great fun designing your mini brochure. Opening up like a flower coming into bloom these are ideal to keep your audience engaged and entertained; another carry and keep idea for trade shows, mini maps, venue guides and so much more.


For more pocket size brochures, to chat to our team or order FREE samples click here