Looking for Events Marketing Ideas? Capture Attention with Creative Marketing Products

Moving Picture Cards - Events Marketing Ideas

When promoting an event you need attention-grabbing marketing products that cannot be ignored and will definitely be read and responded to. From your event invitations through to trade show and road show give-aways you need creative and eye-catching formats. You will have a list as long as your arm of things to do for event promotion marketing which is why you need to be assured that your invitations and publicity products are working.


A Moving Picture Card – Every Picture Tells a Story  

A Picture Dissolve is a terrific product to use for your event invitation; the key feature is a changing image – as your attendees pull the card the main picture changes.  Coming in various sizes the range of Picture Dissolvers are very interactive and attention-grabbing gaining maximum focus as soon as received.  A moving picture card is a novel idea and suited ideally to event invitations, trade show and road show give-aways and messages about change or from this to this.  Your events marketing will benefit greatly from such eye-catching and creative marketing products.


Small but Perfectly Formed    

The Foldilocks Card is a great way to pack a lot of information into a pocket-sized and easy to carry event give-away.  Coming in A7 and credit card sizes your Foldilocks can be printed on both sides and folds away concertina-style into an outer case that even has a locking tab to keep it secure and clean. I call these mini brochures because that is what they are……small but perfectly formed handy products with huge potential and print area.


Loop the Loop Interloop Mailer

This is a number one product for grabbing attention and keeping it and has an air of mystery about it too.  The Interloop Mailer has to be turned and turned again and again to reveal your full events marketing message. These creative marketing products come in four sizes and when you add a coloured envelope they make superb event invitations or promotional give-aways.  The Interloop Mailer is a best-seller in the events marketing ideas sector.


Want to see samples of these or other products? Click here are order them now

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