Effective Pop-Up Products–Terrific for Branded Promotional Items

money boxTo create a winning formula for your next marketing campaign use pop-up products with your branding and customised print.  To guarantee great response rates to direct mail campaigns your branded promotional items need to be eye-catching, different from the norm and effective. Sending pop-up products full of surprise will soon result in your sales team being extra busy answering all the new enquiries!

Pop-Up Box Delivers every time

For a pop-up product with versatility this is the one!  The pop-up box is a very successful marketing product that is available in different sizes and can even be a copy of your product if a box shape fits your product.  Recent exciting examples of miniature replicas have been – a mini box of rice for a well known food brand and a mini brick for an established new home building company. This is just one idea; there are endless design possibilities with the box.  As your pop-up box bounces out of its custom mailer your customer is amazed and this creates a talking point straight away!  The product will undoubtedly be shared with others both in the workplace and beyond due to its “cheeky” nature. It will sit on a desk for a long time, a constant reminder of your company!

Novelty Value Pop-Up Pyramid

The pyramid shape is always one that creates intrigue and works well for branded promotional items. With the same attention-grabbing qualities as the pop-up box your customer is bowled over by it!  The pop-up pyramid can be sent as it is with your logos and branding and it will work extremely well, however I rather like the idea of adding pen holes to one face so that it is perceived as a gift and will no doubt enjoy pride of place on your customers’ desk for a very long time indeed…..in true “pyramid” fashion – something that will last!

Branded Money Box Pop-Up

Something becoming increasingly popular for marketing with branded promotional items is a pop-up money box. A truly ingenious way of catching attention in a fun and amusing way, people love to save pennies or twenty pence pieces and what better way than in something that reminds them of you every single time they pop a coin in?

For more information and demo videos see the website pop-up mailers