Effective Marketing Strategy with Dimensional Mail and Pop up Marketing

Dimensional Mail - Powerful Pen Pots

In the current economic climate you need to know that your marketing budget is invested wisely. Dimensional mail and pop up marketing is always a sensible choice; time and time again researchers advise that interactive mail hits the right spot and increases reaction greatly.

Pop up Marketing Gem Shapes

Pop up marketing is great fun for both the sender and the recipient; you have lots of amusement designing your pop up products and your customers are always surprised to receive them.  The Pop up Gems are a sparkling choice; available in many shapes they all carry your marketing message in a fun and novel way that cannot be ignored. My favourite is the Pop up Diamond, but then again diamonds are a girl’s best friend! The pop up marketing diamond shape has lots of print area and as a dimensional mail piece it is eye-catching in the pile of post and begs to be opened. On opening it leaps from your custom mailer capturing full attention immediately. 

Dimensional mail treasure with Pop up Pyramid

A Pop up Pyramid will not end up in the recycle bin like the majority of boring flat letters and leaflets; it has lots of room for your advertising print and is bold and showy.  Pop up marketing with a pop up pyramid grabs attention and enhances your marketing campaign in a very prestigious way. There is lots of print area with this product and you can even design your dimensional mail piece as a pen holder; pen holes are added to one face of the Pop up Pyramid “wine rack” style transforming it into a desk-top item that will be kept for a very long time indeed.


Pen Pots – Marketing Potential

If I have raised interest in desk-top pop up marketing in the previous section you may well be interested in the Power Pen Pal.  This dimensional mail product is always a winner; this too arrives in your custom mailer and springs into action as soon as opened.  Pop up marketing always creates a talking point with co-workers and since the Power Pen Pal is a desk-top item it will be a constant reminder to your customer and their colleagues each and every working day.


More pop up marketing and dimensional mail ideas available at popupmailers