Effective Direct Mail with Pop up Mailers and Desk-top Novelties

Effective Direct Mail - Po pup Cube Mailer

Adding entertainment and novelty value to your direct mail is effective.  Impress your customers with a pop up mailer that creates a memorable experience and gets your message across.  All the pop up shapes spring free from the customised mailing wraps when least expected and start to work for you immediately.


Chunky Packaging – First Step for Effective Direct Mail

Yes that’s right chunky popup mailers always reach your intended target and don’t end up in the bin intercepted by a Receptionist of Gatekeeper.  Looking inviting and intriguing the bulky packages rise to the top of the mail tray and get opened first!  You choose your design for your customised mailing wrap at the same time as you design your unique pop up mailer and you can rest assured you will gain ultimate effect.  Mailing Wraps open with a flap that and Zippalopes have a tear off section; both ensure that your pop up mailer is effective direct mail full of surprise.


Desk-top Novelties Keep on Working  

By adding pen holes and/or a printed calendar to your pop up mailers extends the life of your promotion.  All the pop up shapes are kept and not simply discarded due to their unusual format; however by adding pen holes and/or a printed calendar you are guaranteed increased exposure. Effective direct mail needs to capture attention as soon as received so why not design a pop up mailer with pen holes for your next marketing campaign? Speak to the team here about which shape of Pop up Pen Holder suits your goal the best.


We can do it all …..

……we can mail your popup mailers from here.  We are a mailing house too and numerous clients take full advantage of this service. You can depend on us to ensure that your unique pop up mailers reach their destination in prime condition and gain maximum impact for you.  You will even save money on postal costs.


For more information about effective direct mail and desk-top novelties see popupmailers

Samples can be ordered by clicking here and prices can be with you TODAY by clicking here

Desk-top Novelties - Pop up Balls