Easy ways to Market Liquor with Bottle Collar Promotions

gatewayIt is 1st December today and ‘tis the season to be jolly and your current bottle promotions will be in supermarket trolleys and gift bags and boxes everywhere.  Whatever your sales figures are they can always be better and there are easy ways to market liquor with attractive and eye-catching bottle collar promotions and ideas for the New Year.


The Gateway to Higher Sales

Open up the gateway to a successful promotion with the Gateway Bottle Hanger. This is a bottle dressing product that enhances any bottle marketing campaign in an attractive and easy way. This design has three print panels and opens up like a gate to reveal your full message or promotion.  Because of the extra dimension it will not be overlooked and is one of the easy ways to market liquor with bottle collar promotions. To make your promotion stand out even more why not custom shape your bottle hanger for a bigger impact.


Starburst Bottle Hanger Bursting with Pride

This is my favourite of all the bottle collar promotions range; it opens up with a flourish and feedback has been tremendous from the Starburst Bottle Hanger.  Regular bottle hangers are often seen on bottle necks and work well but simply by adding more interactivity you gain extra customer focus and enhance any campaign to market liquor.  This bottle collar features a tear-off option which  allows the consumer to keep the Starburst part and show to others – rather like a mini brochure working hard for you.


Tradition Towers Above the Rest?

You may prefer to market liquor with a traditional Bottle Cone or Bottle Tower and both have a remarkable record within the drinks industry.  These days there are so many drinks, beers and wines  to choose from which is why you need your bottles to tower above the rest.  The Bottle Cone bottle collar is conical in shape and sits snugly around the bottle neck with a 360 degree display. The Bottle Tower features sloping sides and can be made to fit any size of bottle neck, tall and slender or short and stout – no problem at all – bottle collar promotions at their very best.


For information, photographs and more designs of bottle collar promotions see whitneywoods