Direct Marketing with Flicker Cards – Superb Promotional Print Products

flicker cardOscar winning British movie The King’s Speech is the talk of the media worldwide and Colin Firth is proud of his achievements with this low-budget film produced in the UK. This made me realise once again that with a little imagination, a small investment and big attention to detail direct marketing projects can be fun to be involved in and can reap rewards – just like the movie industry.

Flicker Cards “movie-like” Interaction

As a child I would watch Charlie Chaplin and the very old black and white movies with my Grandpa and he would tell me stories about how the movie industry had progressed. I often wonder what he would think if he was here now, with 3-D and computer graphics the film industry is phenomenal. Likewise for direct mail campaigns, how we have progressed from flat mailings that often ended up in the wastepaper basket without even being read. By using 3-D and creative designs you can capture your audience in seconds and keep their attention long after the credits have rolled! The Flicker Card is addictive, your customers cannot put it down and will show to other colleagues and co-workers at every opportunity; this makes it a “premiere” product with terrific results.  The Flicker Card is currently starring in a lead role at a Trade Show for a Holiday and Travel Company; the theme is transportation and the message is ease of getting from A to B and pleasurable trips.

The King of all Direct Mail Products

The King’s Speech turned my thoughts to the Pop-up Castle. Imagine your customers’ delight to receive a regal piece of direct mail that jumps out of its custom mailer with a cheeky personality.  The Pop-up Castle is a trapezium shaped pop-up that will stay on your customers’ desk for a long time to come.  Adding pen holes to the pop-up transforms your direct marketing piece into a gift which is always well-received.  There is lots of room for your promotional print on this product.

The Flicker Card and the Pop-up Castle really do belong on the red carpet for successful direct marketing items. Both products are also ideal marketing tools for events and exhibitions. Don’t board the Titantic when advertising your company, make sure you are aboard “Herbie” – fun and entertaining with a serious message.

For more information and screen tests see the website pop-up mailers