How to make your Direct Mail Work with Unusual Promotional Marketing

Make your Direct Mail Work with the Sideshooter

Grabbing attention is easy with creative and unique promotional marketing that has entertaining and interactive elements.  Clever direct mail marketing with products that gain maximum focus will increase your response rates greatly.   It is a well proven fact that the more a promotional marketing product is handled the more your marketing message will be retained.


Push up Pen Pal – Useful Promotional Marketing

I love the Push up Pen Pal; it is a very unusual product and perfect for direct mail promotions. It arrives with your customer flat and is easily erected in seconds; this means that the interaction involved ensures that your customer acknowledges and digests your message immediately on receipt.  There is plenty of room for your promotional marketing message and the Push up Pen Pal will immediately be put to good use and sit on your customers work-station holding pens and pencils for a long time to come.


Sideshooter – Surprising Action

Now here is a direct mail product that gets everyone talking; as the Sideshooter is taken from its mailer two arms shoot out simultaneously from the main body much to the delight of your customers.  We get excellent feedback from clients who have used the Sideshooter for their promotional marketing campaigns – it ticks all the boxes since it has lots of print area, it is chunky mail and it grabs attention straight away! You can have great fun designing your artwork with this product then simply send it out, sit back and await excellent response rates.


Quirky Pop up House for Instant Impact

One of my favourite popupmailer ideas is the Pop up House; shaped like a house it erupts from your customised mailer when opened and soon builds terrific foundations for B2B customer loyalty.  Promotional marketing that is full of surprise captures immediate attention and is often shared with co-workers and colleagues too.  You can even add pen holes to the roof to extend the lifetime of your direct mail!


For more promotional marketing ideas see popupmailers