Direct Mail Solutions to Generate Higher Response Rates

wheelchartsKeeping your customers interested is essential these days and the general rule is that you have three seconds to impress with direct mail.  Well I have some ideas that will impress for much longer and generate higher response rates. Today I take the opportunity to chat about three of  the best selling products:


Interaction Keeps your Customers Focus

Wheel Charts are a superb way to communicate a range of products or services; they are a handy reference tool for your customers.  Sending a wheel chart knocks spots off a pamphlet or a flyer – it is an interactive product that will be played with, shared with others and will sit in a desk drawer as a reference point for a very long time indeed.  Flat letters and flyers often end up in the recycle bin before even being read so why not design your customised spinning information product and keep your company in their focus? 


Surprise is the Best form of Attack

These days with all the depressing news it is nice to send your customers something that will raise a smile and create a talking point. This is where the Jumpinjax comes in to play; it has four small cubes that jump out as the tray is released.  Your customers are not expecting this and are so taken aback that you know your direct mail will work for you straight away.  The Jumpinjax is sent in your customised mailer which evokes curiosity in the post tray immediately.  When the cubes jump free your customer will be so impressed that you know you have their full attention.  It will be shown to others which will extend your advertising potential too.


Build Customer Relationships

For Direct Mail products to succeed they need to be dynamic and unusual and the Pop-up Pyramid is definitely that. Arriving in the mail tray in a chunky mailer the Pop-up Pyramid leaps free as soon as opened and begins working for you.  You need not worry about the three second rule with this product,  it will sit proudly on a desk  and will be picked up by colleagues and co-workers and continue advertising your company long after your promotion has ended.  Generating higher response rates with the Pop-up Pyramid is easy.


For more information, demo videos and information see the website popupmailers