Make Desk-top Advertising part of your Marketing Strategy for Better Results

Desk-top Advertising with Pop up Cube Calendars

Keeping your name in your customers mind is easy with desk-top advertising that works.  Sending them something that makes an instant impact and then continues to work for you should be part of your overall marketing strategy for continued success.


Make a Date with a Pop up Calendar

Calendars are essential tools for every working day so why not use this as a base for your desk-top advertising?  Starting at any time of year you can give your customers and prospects a gift that they can use for twelve months at least and keep your company in their thoughts.  Adding the surprise element of a pop up calendar erupting from a bespoke chunky mailer you are onto a winner every time. Many of the pop up marketing shapes lend themselves perfectly to hosting a printed calendar and you can box clever with a Pop up Cube for example.  The cubes come in four sizes, and the 85 mm and 95 mm Pop up Cubes are particularly suited to design with a calendar.


Pen Pot Marketing Strategy

Pens and pencils are everyday working tools so pen pot desk-top advertising makes perfect marketing strategy sense. The Push up Pen Pal comes in various designs and is very interactive too.  Arriving flat it is easily erected in seconds but keeping our target audience focussed on your company all the time.  Once standing proudly on desks and work-station the Push up Pen Pals continue to broadcast your marketing message for a very long time indeed.  I particularly like the Push up Pen Pal with a Head card for extra eye-catching qualities and attractiveness.


Moving Picture Card – Desk Display

The Dissolving Desk Display (or moving picture card as people often refer it as) is a tent style desk-top advertising idea.  Popular to have the changing image on one side and a printed calendar on the other side though the choice of print as always is yours.  However you decide to design your interactive Dissolving Desk Display it will sit proudly enforcing your advertising and marketing in an unusual and effective way.


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