Creative and attention-grabbing Liquor Marketing and Bottle Promotion Ideas

Attention-Grabbing and Stylish Liquor Marketing Products

Wimbledon tennis tournament is upon us again and Champagne and Strawberries will be the order of the day for the spectators; this made me think about the way you can dress up your bottles and enhance your liquor marketing in an easy but very effective way. Striking liquor marketing and bottle promotion collars, tags and hangers all attract attention – and keep it!


Bottle Banner – Biggest Display Area for Liquor Marketing

As far as liquor marketing products go the Bottle Banner creates an impact due to the way is sits proudly around a bottle neck almost like a flag and cannot be ignored. It is a product that is very often retained long after the bottle is empty due to its substantial design.  Bottle promotion ideas need to stand out from the crowd, just like the Umpire at the tennis match – must be seen and cannot be dismissed!


Starburst Bottle Promotion Ideas

By adding novelty and interactivity to a bottle hanger, you can create greater focus for any drinks promotion; not only liquor marketing but soft drinks and squash too. Take the example of the Starburst Bottle Hangers which incorporate a neat fold-out starburst which opens with a flourish to reveal a huge display for your bottle promotion message. Another plus point is that the Starburst Bottle Hanger features a tear-off option allowing customers to keep your liquor marketing product which adds longevity to your bottle promotion idea.


New Kid on the Block – Serving up Well

The latest Bottle Hanger to score well is the Dissolver Hanger; this features a dissolving picture which is very tactile and interactive indeed. Sitting snugly around bottle necks it attracts attention immediately and once your customers discover the playfulness of the product your liquor marketing is game, set and match as you gain full focus to your bottle promotion. This is a relatively new seed but has already worked well for a couple of well-known corporate brands.  Samples are available of this new product and all the bottle hangers and tags.


For more inspiration and bottle promotion ideas see popupmailers