Crackerjack style of promotional marketing products brings marketing success

Promotional marketing products which have a very high and instant impact are very successful at drawing attention to any campaign.

We offer three promotional products in the “Jack in a box” or “Crackerjack” style which offer much more of a surprise than you would ever imagine from the size of the pack. Even when the person opening the pack knows exactly what is going to happen next you will see that they open the pack with some trepidation – being wary of the crackerjack effect. With that in mind, you should plan to use these promotional marketing products only when you are fully aware that it will cause someone to jump! Jack in a box and Crackerjack style products are fun products for fun people and should not be targeted at an audience that doesn’t have a smile on its face!

The Jumpinjax is the one that is most like a crackerjack and when we launched the Jumpinjax promotional marketing product in 2007 we sent out approximately 20,000 to agencies around the UK. When we did our courtesy follow up calls, not one single person failed to remember the crackerjack action of the Jumpinjax – not one! They are absolutely fantastic promotional products which do a terrific job.

The Springbox is a prize winning promotional marketing product in the Jack-in-the-box style and in 2006 was voted the “Promotion of the Year” by a leading worldwide computer software company having been used in very successful marketing campaigns in the UK, Europe and the USA.

This attention-grabbing Jack in the box style marketing product has always been a hit at exhibitions as a trade show giveaway. The instant impact of the Springbox creates an ice-breaking talking point on the exhibition stand. The fun generated by the surprise of the promotional pop-up definitely helps to open a line of conversation between the sales person and the prospective client.

We also offer a smaller Jack in a box type of product. The compact but lively Two Pop Box advertising promotional product was chosen above several other contenders as a magazine cover mount to be featured on over 60,000 Car Publications to advertise the launch of a new car. The launch was a massive success. The name of the car we cannot say, but – C’mon – you must have heard about it!

However, you should be prepared for the odd curmudgeonly character who may complain that your jack in a box or crackerjack style promotional product nearly caused a heart attack! It might be as well to print a health and safety warning on the cover of the promotional pack.

Promotional pop up - 2 Pop Box