Corporate Calendars and Christmas card Ideas with extra Surprise and Impact

Corporate Calendars for Christmas Promotions

Business to Business communication during the festive period is very important so in order to get your Christmas greeting noticed you need entertaining products with a difference!  A Pop up Calendar alternative Christmas card will not simply blend into the crowd along with the rest and will create a memorable experience.   Often a corporate Christmas card is sent without a second thought that a marketing opportunity may be lost; however by a Pop up Calendar continues to work for you long after the decorations have been taken down. And that’s not all – add pen holes and your Christmas promotional products become two-in-one!

Pop up Ball Corporate Calendars – Score well every time

The Pop up Ball Corporate Calendar is a quirky product that leaps from your customised mailer as soon as opened always surprising the recipient.  This shape is the nearest we can get to a round shape but having twelve panels it is ideal for hosting a twelve month calendar.  All your customers and suppliers need a calendar at their work-station and due to the unusual nature and pop up design yours will be used every single working day.  The Pop up Balls are Christmas card ideas that double up as promotional desk calendars; they have plenty of print area for your company logo and details.

Gift Box Pop up Cube Corporate Calendar

The Pop up Cube is a terrific shape for designing like a Christmas gift box with your calendar on.  Springing free from your bespoke mailer it is full of surprise and captures attention immediately.  Sending out these very unusual desk-top Christmas card ideas means that you create a bigger impact instantly and your corporate calendars continue to work all year round too! Standing out from the crowd is easy with the Pop up Cube Corporate calendars with extra oomph!

Pop up House – Unusual eye-catching shape

The Pop up House is a very unusual shape and also arrives in your promotional chunky pack in the mail. Jumping out of the pack they create a talking point and sit on work-stations long after the festive season has ended. Pop up Corporate calendars and unusual and attention grabbing Christmas card ideas are a fabulous way to thank your suppliers and customers and wish them a happy festive season too.


For more ideas, photos and videos see christmasmarketing