Cootie Catchers make unusual promotional giveaways and mailings

fortune tellerRemember the pleasure we all had with the paper folder fortune teller at school? Decisions were made on whether to go to the school disco or do our homework with the assistance of the cootie catcher or fortune teller as it is also known. Well, as a business tool this is becoming increasingly popular for advertising and promotional give-aways at trade shows. You can choose to send in two ways – ready assembled or folded for the customer to make up themselves. Both ways have full instructions.


Nostalgic Invitations to your Trade Show, Exhibition or Conference


Attentiongrabbing qualities are essential when inviting guests and customers to your event so what better way than to use fortune tellers?  Of course I mean the paper folding ones not real ones! These are great fun and your invitation is not going to end up in the bin. Everyone in the office will be talking about this and remembering with fondness the decisions they made when younger using this type of cootie catcher or fortune teller!


A fun hand-out for Exhibitions and Trade Shows


Attendees at exhibitions and trade shows take away lots of information from all the exhibitors therefore it is of vital importance that you are the one to grab their attention. The Cootie Catcher is promotional fun at its best because your customer plays with it straight away and you and your products remain in the memory for longer.  The fortune telling qualities of the Cootie Catcher create a talking point and a return to childhood which is always a comfort factor. This unusual promotional give-away will definitely be shown to others extending your advertising potential greatly.


Be fun and witty with your Direct Mailing


It is a good idea to treat your customers and potential customers to a bit of fun at the same time as promoting your products.  I recommend the Cootie Catcher as a great form of promotional communication since on receipt your customer remembers schooldays and is keen to play with the fortune teller immediately. I advise keeping your slogans and messages witty and interesting with this type of mailer.



For more innovative ideas and demo video see the website pop up mailers.