Circular Starburst Stars as a Special Event Marketing Product

It doesn’t take an awful lot of thought or effort to tweak an existing product to create a new shape but often that little bit creativity can reap dividends. One such instance is our circular starburst, which started life when someone asked the simple question, “Does it have to be rectangular?” The circular starburst is so popular in its own right that it now has its own web page and has been included in The Events Emporium.

The attraction of the circular starburst as an event publicity product lies in its shape and in the folding mechanism. When the cover is opened it reveals a quite startling display that is roughly twice of the cover. It is rather like the effect of unfolding a map only without the palaver of unfolding and refolding – except that this “map” is circular! With the circular cover we can also produce variations on the starburst display to, for example we can make the starburst display with petals so that it looks like a flower when it opens. This might be suitable as an event invitation to a horticultural show. The shape opens up quite a few design possibilities and the product might be suitable for a Christmas event invitation, for example.

The circular starburst can be designed for specific uses such as an exhibition handout but it can also double as an attractive piece to carry product details for inclusion in an information pack. The real key is to utilise the shape of the starburst in conjunction with your product. There are obvious suggestions – the graphics could easily link the product to a sports event as it is shaped like a ball. The product in the picture was used in a pan-European launch of a new range of horticultural products.

Circular Starburst Product Launch