Cardboard engineering creates fun folds and fun marketing ideas

When we mention cardboard engineering techniques we are really talking about a small handful of the simplest cardboard engineering cuts, creases and folds added to clever marketing ideas in order add a little extra oomph to your promotional marketing product. In this particular section we present examples of some slightly different ways to fold a strip of paper or an A4 sheet. There is nothing fancy here, no origami magic, just dead simple cardboard engineering stuff but the end result is massively more interesting that the starting point.

Let’s take a look at the Hidden Book for example. This promotional marketing product starts life as an A4 sheet. If it was left up to an ordinary printer, it would stay that way and it would become an A4 leaflet and then it would eventually find its way into your customer’s bin!  However, by adding one cut and 8 creases, the A4 sheet suddenly turns into a little 8-page book. Not only that, if you unfold it and fold it up again it becomes a different 8-page book. That’s like having two books for the price of one! Now, you might say, “Well, that’s only like looking at the reverse side of the A4 sheet” – but where’s the fun in that? By transforming the A4 sheet into a Hidden Book you will have transformed an A4 leaflet into a highly interactive marketing product that will be handled again and again. Not only that, as an A7 marketing item, the Hidden Book also falls into that category of handy pocket-sized marketing products known as pocket media!

The U Card is another example of how to easily transform an uninteresting A4 sheet into a snazzy piece of promotional marketing with just one cut and 7 creases. If you add a couple of extra cuts to the cover – like we did to form the “U” as pictured on the product page – you can add extra visual impact to your marketing product.