Brand Identity Campaigns need Attention-Grabbing Promotional Marketing Ideas

Brand Identity Campaigns - Pop up Pyramids are Ideal

…..and I have some great ideas for you to increase exposure and run a successful brand identity campaign.  Pop up mailers are the best way to grab attention from your customers and prospects and take some beating for brand recognition promotional marketing ideas.


Pop up Mail – Versatile and Dynamic – Chunky Mail

Arriving in post trays the pop up mailers look inviting and intriguing in their chunky mailing wraps and they soon rise to the top of the pile to be opened immediately.  They will never be dismissed as “junk mail” and will always reach your intended target.  And that’s not all – when opened your pop up product erupts and springs into shape which is a great surprise capturing maximum attention and creating a talking point too.


Shapely Pop -ups – The Choice is Yours

Choosing which shape and format to design for your brand identity campaigns will depend on how much print room you require for your marketing message, whether you would like pen holes or a coin slot, what shape best reflects your promotion.  Personally I love the Pop up Pyramid for brand identity campaigns because the shape always makes me think about Egypt and the Pyramids there; and ultimately prestige and construction of relationships. There are many shapes of pop up mailers to choose from and you can order FREE samples at any time.


Extra Pop ups – Promotional Marketing Ideas with extra oomph

The Jumpinjax has not just one pop up but four – yes that’s right four pop up cubes contained until opened within the outer mailer.  This is a superb product for adding extra oomph to a brand identity campaign and you can choose to have one or two insert cards carrying extra promotional print.  Often compared to a Christmas cracker this is a delightful little product!


For more attention-grabbing promotional marketing ideas see popupmailers