Make your next Brand Awareness Campaign a Success

Make your Brand Awareness Campaign Rewarding

For your next brand awareness campaign you need to design bespoke attention-grabbing ideas that cannot and will not be ignored. Encouraging brand recognition and increasing sales that ultimately results in brand loyalty is easy with impact making marketing products.  Samples are our brochures so don’t delay and order yours today.


Connection for Brand Awareness Campaign – Pop up Phone Holder

The Pop up Phone Holder is a terrific marketing product to encourage brand awareness and connect your customers and prospects immediately. Imagine their delight as they open up their mail to discover a Pop up Phone Holder that they can use every working day on their desks and work-stations.  Printed with your company logo, company mascot or new product you grab attention immediately and keep it on call for a long time after the initial promotion. Engage your customers with a brand awareness campaign that rings in the revenue and brand loyalty.


Mini-me – Pop up Box – Adds an Element of Fun

A mini replica of your boxed product is a very entertaining way to make your brand awareness campaign a success.  The Pop up Box carrying your brand recognition details is a delightful and surprising way to enforce your product details to customers and prospects alike.  Compressed into a mailing wrap your box will spring free as soon as released gaining one hundred percent attention every time.  Successful examples include: a mini cereal box, a brick, a mini biscuit box and even a gold bar so get your thinking cap on and design your customised box today.


Facing the Future – Face Masks

Face masks are very popular at the moment for brand awareness campaigns and whether you design yours with a cartoon character, a photograph or your company mascot you face the future with an amusing idea. Getting people talking about your products is the way forward and the Face Masks certainly do that for you.


To chat to our on line sales team and see more ideas click here for popupmailers