Bottle Bows – New Gift Cards set for World Premier

A brand new type of gift card is about to hit the greeting cards market. However, it’s not a greeting Card, it’s not a gift tag and it’s not a credit card type of gift card. Due for launch at The Spring Fair at the NEC 1st – 5th February, Bottle Bows are a totally new idea as a gift card which we release under our new brand – A Nice Touch”. So what are Bottle Bows? Regular readers of our blog pages will realise that they have seen something very similar in our Bottle Boutique – a range of products available only to our business-to-business direct marketing clients – but now we are making a retail version available to everyone.

 A Bottle Bow is a very attractive and eye-catching adornment to the gift of a bottle of wine. It is designed to simply slip over the bottle neck and sit comfortably on the shoulders of the bottle. We have designed Bottle Bows in attention-grabbing shapes decorated with vibrant and colourful designs as we feel that they needed to be “upbeat” to match the happy occasion that is being celebrated.

 The opening range is not yet fully developed but we plan to have at least 5 different shapes covering a variety of popular all-encompassing titles including congratulations, thank you, happy birthday, with love and best wishes to suit most celebratory occasions.

 We are currently building a brand new e-commerce site for the “A Nice Touch” brand, which is due to go live in mid-January 2009. The site will follow two paths – one for end-users and there will also be a trade path for retail outlets. New developments will be posted on this blog just as soon as they happen.Bottle Bows Pack