B2B Direct Mail with Paper Engineering Techniques to Entertain your Customers

interloopmailerIn these dreary Wintry February days here in the UK we need something to cheer us up and your customers feel exactly the same way.  Paper engineering techniques transform any marketing communication into a most amusing and attention grabbing way. 


Changing Picture – Paper Engineering Techniques at their Best

The Dissolving Picture range of products are amazing for B2B Direct Mail since they instigate intrigue and always create office banter and interest.  Entertaining your customers and obtaining customer focus is easy with these wonderful changing picture designs.  These are very neat and interactive products and with clever graphic design they are paper engineering techniques with a high entertainment value. These products are available in different sizes and you can even have one with two dissolving pictures.


Interloop Mailer – Turn your Customers’ Heads

The Interloop Mailer is the most entertaining B2B direct mail piece I have ever come across. To reveal the full message your customer has to turn and turn again and again and will not be able to put it down.  This reminds me of the puzzles we all played with as children and it is one of my ultimate favourite paper engineering techniques for making an impact and keeping attention.  The Interloop Mailer is available in different sizes and if you box clever this can generate excellent response rates for your B2B direct mail.


Theatrical and Flamboyant Starburst Designs

For a most magnificent and striking display the Starburst Fold family of products are very versatile and entertaining; this makes perfect B2B direct mail for any occasion at all. The Starburst products are paper engineering techniques that will add kudos to any marketing campaign and ensure that your company is remembered for all the right reasons.  Bring a little sunshine into your customers’ lives with your choice of Starburst Folded product.  These too are available in a variety of sizes and there is even a Double Starburst option.


For more information and ideas see popupmailers