Add Nostalgia to your Marketing Campaigns and Get Noticed and Remembered

Jack in a Box Mailer - Marketing Campaigns to Get you Noticed!

We are in the middle of the annual Summer school holidays and children and parents everywhere will be finding ways to fill the days. Of course these days you can often find children of all ages on the tablets or phones using technology as the main source of entertainment. This is a mistake in my opinion, children need to use their imaginations and get back to basics – interaction and play in an old-fashioned way. Just like marketing; you cannot and should not rely on technology and digital formats; for increased response and ensuring that your marketing campaigns get noticed you need attention-grabbing and nostalgic ideas:




Cootie Catcher; Fortune Teller – Cost-effective and Grabs Attention

Predictions for the Cootie Catcher or Paper Fortune Teller are very good indeed; taking your customers back to the playground days at school when you would have the paper fortune teller to see who would have to kiss Peter Fisher or Katie Jones. Of course for your marketing campaign to be a success you won’t de designing yours with dares but maybe special offers etc. The interactive format guarantees a rosy future for increased response.


Jack in a Box Mailer

Remember the Jack in a Box and how entertaining that was for our Grandparents and Parents? You will love the Jack in a Box Mailer format for your next marketing campaign.  This is a great way of designing a bespoke and attention-grabbing product to get you noticed and remembered.  The original design was due to customer demand and was a Chinese dragon but you choose your own die-cut piece springing out with four connecting pop up cubes – just like the “boing” of a Jack in a Box.


Fun with Folds – Interloop Mailer

The Interloop Interactive Mailer reminds me so much of the Rubik Cube because you have to turn it and turn it again and again to read the full message. Remember those coloured blocks that kept you amused as you tried to line them up? This comes in four sizes and is one of the nostalgic business marketing products in the range – perfect to get noticed and remembered.


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