Creative Advertising and Marketing Ideas – We Offer Marketing Solutions

Building a website with pictures and details of our promotional products provides the basis for your online product selection process but we recognise that sometimes the creative process needs a little extra help. We thought that adding a nudge towards a certain direction or a suggestion on how each product might be used would be of extra benefit to our site users.

Creative marketing ideas start with a spark of imagination. That spark could be generated by virtually anything – music, colour or movement for example. But if movement is the key, then what pop up movements are available to set you on the way to having those all important marketing ideas to create your unique promotional mailer? We have products that turn; pictures that disappear and change; pop-ups which jump; pocket-sized products full of fun folds – and each one creating a very tactile and interactive promotional marketing product. All that you need is that initial spark, that innovative creative marketing idea to start the ball rolling. To help you with this, we have added some creative marketing ideas to each product page on our website.

We also try to help by offering new ideas for Marketing Applications and our website also features a section called “Marketing Applications”. Each of the pages under that heading discusses different ideas and suggestions on how our products can be used for different marketing purposes. You will see a section on invitations and announcements, for example. Here we discuss ideas inviting important guests to prestigious invitations such as awards dinners through to invitations that are more concerned with putting bums on seats at, say a sporting event or a theatrical production. The differences in the two sets of ideas are quite distinct and yet they both come under the overall heading of “invitations”.

Trade shows, corporate road shows and exhibitions are massive events on a marketing calendar and each one demands a lot from promotional print. In the section headed “trade show giveaways” we cover quite a few different aspects of the benefits of using pop-up mailers as giveaways as opposed to other rather anonymous gifts. Consideration is given to the budgetary concerns as well as the all-important factor of brand awareness.

All in all the Marketing Applications section is well worth a visit particularly when you hit a brick wall looking for inspiration for promotional literature with a difference!

Two Pop Box - popular event invitation and as a giveaway