How to Get the Best Results from Your B2B Magazine Advertising

picture dissolveWe all know that advertising on the internet is crucial these days, however, traditional B2B magazine advertising is still a very important part of promoting your company and your products and /or services.  You need to invest your magazine advertising budget wisely and ensure your articles are read and responded to – I have some terrific ideas for you:

Tip-ons are the Best Attention-Grabbing Products

The name tip-on is well known in the printing industry and means something attached to a page with peel-able adhesive. Usually the tip-on is added to your advertising page or article and is eye-catching immediately! On removing the item, the reader is totally focused on your item or advert; they have not simply turned the page without interest and your investment has not been futile! My favourite tip-on is the Interloop Mailer since it has a cheekiness about it, it always raises a smile and is always a talking point for the reader and their colleagues. The design of the Interloop mailer is fascinating for the reader since to reveal the full messages contained he/she has to play with is and unfold again and again. There is lots of printing room for your product information – in fact this is absolutely perfect for B2B Magazine Advertising.

Changing Picture Tip-ons are Top Notch

Another very successful product to use as a tip-on is the Picture Dissolve. It catches the readers’ attention on the page and requires interaction to divulge the full message.  This product is very impressive and the design possibilities are extensive.  Even when the publication has reached the recycle bin the dissolving picture will be retained and will still be working for you due to its’ novelty! It will be shown to others also, extending your overall marketing potential significantly. Whilst internet marketing is a boon, it is easy for the reader to click the delete button and your moment is missed forever – with magazine advertising, (still a very important part of business development) by using innovative products you will be ahead of the game and not ignored!


For more information see the website pop-up mailers