Add Extra Fizz to Bottle Promotions with Creative Bottle Collars

Cork-popping Bottle Collars add Extra Fizz to Bottle Promotions

Whatever bottle marketing you are promoting you can easily grab attention with unusual and creative bottle collars and hangers.  Adding these eye-catching marketing ideas is very effective and adds an extra fizz to bottle marketing campaigns.


Bottle Balls – Add Extra Dimension – and Sales  

With the Bottle Balls you can make sure that you strike well every time; grabbing your audience and winning the game. Very soon you have your bottles “netted” into supermarket trolleys and on the way to the top of the league.  Bottle promotions of any kind – wine, beer, spirits, soft drinks and even water will benefit from your customised Bottle Balls bottle collars which are easily slipped onto bottle necks and look very attractive indeed.


Bottle Bows – Gift Wrap your Bottle Promotions

The Bottle Bows are bottle collars that fit snugly around the bottle neck with a novelty shape at the front to grab maximum attention.  Coming in lots of different shapes and sizes you design your artwork to suit your current bottle marketing campaign.  These are what we call the anytime, anyplace, anywhere bottle collars and at this time of year the Bottle Bows are often designed with a Santa or a Snowman for festive bottle marketing campaigns.

Stick to Tradition – Bottle Cone

Sticking with a traditional bottle collar that has been around for a long time may be your choice and the Bottle Cone will not disappoint.   Wrap up your bottle promotions with Bottle Cones that have an all-round 360 degree printing area and great scope for any bottle or drinks advertising campaign.  Bottle dressing products need to be captivating enough to grab attention and entice consumers to buy and the Bottle Cones certainly make your bottles stand out from the rest.


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