The Gateway Bottle Hanger – The perfect portal to success for your drinks campaign

If you’re looking for plenty of print space for your next drinks promotion but still want a simple uncluttered design, you should consider or Gateway Bottle Hanger.

The trouble with traditional bottle hangers and bottle collars is that they don’t always present you with an over abundance of space for your promotional print. With this in mind we have come up with a new design as part of our Bottle Boutique range of bottle media called the Gateway.  This product offers a considerably larger print area but without detracting from the elegant simplicity of a standard bottle hanger. The Gateway’s name originates from its appearance.  There are two panels which open like a double gate to reveal a print area that is roughly the size of three credit cards. When closed it has a neat, simple and compact locking device to keep the gates closed.

The Gateway can be produced in various sizes and the ‘gates’ can also be made in bespoke shapes and if there still isn’t enough space we could even add additional fold out panels.  However there are already a number of other products available within our Bottle Boutique range that may already fit your criteria better such as the Foldilocks, Starburst, Roll Fold or Swatch Cards.

If you would like to see samples for this product please click on samples.

Gateway Bottle Hanger