Looking for Trade Show and Road Show Ideas? Promotional Marketing Ideas?

Trade Show and Road Show Promotional Marketing - Less is More!

If you are then you need pocket-sized promotional marketing that your customers and attendees will retain for future reference.  Mini brochures that slip into a pocket or handbag are a very popular choice these days and are perfect for your next trade show or road show; pick a card, any card:


Unfolding Information Booklet – Foldilocks Card

The Foldilocks Card is ideal for Trade Show and Road Show  marketing since it has lots of orienting area that folds up and secures a with a locking tab to prevent damage. It is available in A7 and credit card sizes with a main feature of concertina-style folding panels. It is also ideal for printing lists which makes it ideal for agenda and venue guides. Whichever size you choose for your mini booklet your Foldilocks Card will fit neatly into a purse or pocket which gives it a very long life.


Small but Perfectly Formed Little Big Card

The Little Big Card is a small product with a HUGE heart; it has plenty of inner printing area which folds up into the outer covers.  This product is also available in both A7 and credit-card sizes and opens up to reveal your promotional marketing in A4 and A3 sizes respectively.  Whether you need to display product information, product ranges or general company details the Little Big Card is an ace up your sleeve every time since it will be retained by your customers and attendees long after the initial event has ended.


Carry and Keep Card – Exactly as the name suggests……

…Yes this design is easily carried and always kept for future reference.  Originally designed for the tourism sector this product quickly gained pace as an ideal Trade Show and Road Show format too. The A7 Carry and Keep Card opens up to reveal an inner sheet of A3 size packed with your information and promotional marketing.  Always kept and often shared with others this also gives extra advertising profile for your company too.


For samples of all the pocket-sized promotional marketing ideas please click here or for prices please click here


For more marketing ideas including the pop up products see popupmailers