Bottle Boutique Marketing Products increase the chances of success for Bottle Promotions

Roll Fold Bottle TagsBefore designing new products for the Bottle Boutique, we first had to do a survey of what was already on display on the drinks shelves and try to decide what was missing. On view were bottle hangers, bottle collars and bottle tags but none had any real substance. There was no room on the products to give the consumer any real information.

The success of a bottle promotion lies in the ability of the bottle media to attract the attention of the drinks consumer and to hold that attention. Inevitably, that means that a level of interaction has to be built into the bottle media product. It is definitely not enough for your target audience just to glance at the bottle promotion before throwing it in the bin along with the foil cap cover. Your bottle media must feel like an actual product and not like a tab or a little leaflet. These items are all too often seen as just throwaway items of packaging. With the roll-fold bottle hanger, however, the bottle promotion is a substantial item and that increases the perception of importance. One of the main reasons for developing The Bottle Boutique was to improve the quality of bottle promotions and to increase the presence on supermarket shelves.

Another beauty of the Roll Fold bottle hanger is that it has a large print area – equivalent to six credit cards. This is approximately six times greater than a standard single bottle hanger. Think how that extra space can change the nature of your bottle promotion. The Roll Fold Bottle Hanger brings an excellent opportunity to extend your brand or widen your promotion.

Each card is perforated and so it can be easily detached from the pack. This makes it ideal for offers bearing coupons and vouchers where each can be redeemed over a period of time. This brings the added attraction of being able to extend the promotion over a period of time to help to build brand loyalty.

Roll Fold Bottle Hanger

Roll Fold Bottle Media